Friday 18 April 2014

Xantatech Delivers Best Seo Services

From the very first day of human origin we use to discover new things. This discovering power of human beings is called technology. As the time progresses the technology also get developed. The latest & most revolutionary discovery of technology is web. Web is a such kind of media by which they can collect any kind of knowledge from any part of the world. In the world of web there is millions of website. In the preliminary stages the sites are used to collect knowledge but now sites are an preliminary part of any website.

An user friendly website must be well designed & developed. But it is not to make a lovely website it must be a SEO friendly. SEO means Search engine Optimization. In the world of web there's millions of websites some of them help to search people sites by using keywords. They are called search engines. Search engine will show the sites in the first page which are SEO friendly. So to beat your competitor in the world of web you must have a SEO friendly website. It is not so simple to make a SEO friendly sites. It is not so simple to make a SEO friendly web-site. As this SEO cannot be completed by normal people plenty of web-site owners are haring best SEO Company all over the world. These SEO companies have their own team who provides best SEO services to their clients. They provide full SEO services.

A SEO service is a huge domain and it's plenty of segments. One of these segments is On Page SEO. In on page SEO some HTML codes of the web page must be changed. The important parts are title tag, Meta tag part etc. Another segment of SEO is link building that is to generate back links for your website from other sites. An online site which has as plenty of back links its page rank will be so high. To generate back links you require to submit your sites in the top editorial directories, bookmarking, site, blogs, forums etc. Another way to generate back link is reciprocal link building or link exchange. Best SEO company all over the world provides all these SEO services in an affordable cost so that the clients net site become top in the search engines and also increase the sites traffic.

Ultimately by doing SEO the business of the clients will increase. The best SEO Company is providing best SEO service to their clients all over the world like UK, USA, Canada etc. Beside foreign clients we have plenty of local clients. Due to our best SEO services their number of client also increasing. Many of experienced SEO specialists are joining these Best SEO Company to build their career. Our Indian SEO company team can bring the website in the top of search engines within a speedy time.

About Website: Xantatech Pvt Ltd is an Indian Noida based SEO company that provides Web Designing and Search Engine Optimization (SEO) services.

Aobout Author: Neha Sharma is a SEO Expert in Xantatech Pvt Ltd, Noida.
Connect with the author via: Email | Twitter | Google+ | LinkedIn

Tuesday 15 April 2014

Xantatech Pvt. Ltd. - IT Solution Company

Xantatech is a trusted mobile application developer and web development company located in Noida, India. The company has worked for different type of clients including online shopping portals, marketing companies, electronics industry and others.

Monday 14 April 2014

Essential SEO Tips & Techniques

Businesses are growing more aware of the necessity to understand & implement at least the basics of search engine optimization (SEO). But in the event you read a variety of blogs & sites, you'll quickly see that there's plenty of uncertainty over what makes up the fundamentals.Without access to high-level consulting & without plenty of experience knowing what SEO resources can be trusted, there's also plenty of misinformation about SEO strategies & tactics.

Commit yourself to the technique: SEO isn't a one-time event. Search engine algorithms modify regularly, so the tactics that worked last year may not work this year. SEO requires a long-term outlook & dedication. Change your tactic according to the google webmaster guidelines.

Be patient: SEO isn't about instant gratification. Results often take months to see, and this is true the smaller you are, and the newer you are to doing business online.

Ask questions when hiring an SEO company: It's your job to know what kind of tactics the company makes use of. Ask for specifics. Ask if there's any risks involved. Then get online yourself and do your own research about the company, about the tactics they follows, and so forth.

Become a student of SEO: If you're taking the do-it-yourself route, you must learn about SEO as much as you can. Fortunately for you, there's plenty of great web resources and many books on serach engine optimization which you can read.

Have web analytics in place at the beginning: You ought to have clearly defined goals for your SEO efforts, and you'll need web analytics program in place so you can track what's working and what's not.

Build a great & attractive website: Definitly you want to show up on the first page of search engine results pages. Ask yourself, Is my site of the ten best sites in the world on this topic? Be honest. If it's not, make it better.

Include a site map page: Spiders can't index pages that can't be crawled. A site map will help spiders find all the important pages on your site, & help the spider understand your site's hierarchy. This is helpful if your site has a hard-to-crawl navigation menu. If your site is large, make several site map pages. Keep each to less than 100 links. I tell clients 75 is the max to be safe.

Make SEO-friendly URLs: Use keywords in your URLs & file names. A file with 3+ hyphens tends to look spammy & users may be hesitant to click on it. Related bonus tip: Use hyphens in URLs & file names, not underscores. Hyphens are treated as a space, while underscores are not.

Do keyword research at the beginning of the project: If you're on a tight budget, use the free versions of Keyword Discovery or WordTracker, both of which also have more powerful paid versions. Ignore the numbers these tools show; what's important is the relative volume of keyword to another. Another lovely free tool is Google's AdWords Keyword Tool, which doesn't show exact numbers.

Open up a PPC account: Whether it's Google's AdWords, Microsoft adCenter or something else, this is a great way to get actual search volume for your keywords. Yes, it costs money, but in case you have the budget it's worth the investment. It's also the solution in case you didn't like the Be patientâ suggestion above and are looking for instant visibility.

Use a unique & relevant title & meta description on every page: The page title is the single most important on-page SEO factor. It's rare to rank highly for a primary term (2-3 words) without that term being part of the page title. The meta description tag won't help you rank, but it will often appear as the text snippet below your listing, so it ought to include the relevant keyword(s) & be written so as to encourage searchers to click on your listing. Related bonus tip: You can ignore the Keywords meta tag, as no major search engine today supports it.

Write for users first: Google, Yahoo, etc., have powerful bots crawling the net, but to my knowledge these bots have never bought anything online, signed up for a newsletter, or picked up the phone to call about your services. Humans do those things, so write your page copy with humans in mind. Yes, you require keywords in the text, but don't stuff each page like a Thanksgiving turkey. Keep it readable.

Create great, matchless content: This is important for everyone, but it's a specific challenge for online retailers. If you're selling the same widget that 50 other retailers are selling, & everybody is using the boilerplate descriptions from the manufacturer, this is a great opportunity. Write your own product descriptions, using the keyword research you did earlier to target actual words searchers use, & make product pages that blow the competition away. And, retailer or not, great content is a great way to get inbound links.

Use your keywords as anchor text when linking internally: Anchor text helps tells spiders what the linked-to page is about. Links that say click here do nothing for your search engine visibility.

Build links intelligently: Start with foundational links like trusted directories. (Yahoo & DMOZ are often cited as examples, but don't waste time worrying about DMOZ submission. Submit it & forget it.) Seek links from authority sites in your industry. If local search matters to you (more on that coming up), seek links from trusted sites in your geographic area the Chamber of Commerce, local business directories, etc. Analyze the inbound links to your competitors to find links you can acquire, . Generate great content on a consistent basis & use social media to build awareness & links.

Use press releases wisely: Developing a relationship with media covering your industry or your local region can be a great source of exposure, including getting links from trusted media net sites. Distributing releases online can be an effective link building tactic, & opens the door for exposure in news search sites. Related bonus tip: Only issue a release when you have something newsworthy to document. Don't waste journalists time.

Start a weblog and participate with other related blogs: Search engines, Google , love blogs for the fresh content and highly-structured information. Beyond that, there's no better way to join the conversations that are already taking place about your industry and/or company. Reading and commenting on other blogs can also increase your exposure and help you acquire new links. Related bonus tip: Put your weblog at so your main domain gets the benefit of any links to your weblog posts. If that's impossible, use

Use social media marketing wisely: If your business has a visual element, join the appropriate communities on Flickr and post high-quality images there. If you're a service-oriented business, use Quora and/or Yahoo Answers to position yourself as an specialist in your industry. Any business ought to even be looking to make use of Twitter and Facebook, as social information and signals from these are being used as part of search engine rankings for Google and Bing. With any social media site you use, the first rule is don spam! Be an active, contributing member of the site. The idea is to interact with potential customers, not anger them.

Take advantage of local search opportunities: Online research for offline purchasing is a growing trend. Optimize your site to catch local traffic by showing your address and local phone number prominently. Write a detailed Directions/Location page using neighborhoods and landmarks in the page text. Submit your site to the free local listings services that the major search engines offer. Make sure your site is listed in local/social directories such as CitySearch, Yelp,, etc., and encourage customers to leave reviews of your business on these sites, .

Take advantage of the tools the search engines give you: Sign up for Google Webmaster Central, Bing Webmaster Tools & Yahoo Site Explorer to learn more about how the search engines see your site, including how lots of inbound links they're aware of.

Diversify your traffic sources: Google may bring you 70% of your traffic today, but what if the next giant algorithm update hits you hard? What if your Google visibility goes away tomorrow? Newsletters and other subscriber-based content can help you hold on to traffic/customers no matter what the search engines do. In fact, plenty of of the DOs on this list creating great content, beginning a weblog, using social media and local search, etc. will help you grow an audience of loyal prospects and customers that may help you survive the whims of search engines.

About The Author: Neha Sharma is a SEO Expert in Xantatech Pvt Ltd, Noida. Neha Sharma can be found on Twitter at @Nehaseoxanta and/or on Google Plus.
Connect with the author via: Email | Twitter | Google+ | LinkedIn

Saturday 12 April 2014

What is Black Hat & White Hat SEO?

Black Hat SEO refers to the practice of using unethical means to get a website to the top of search engine results, while White Hat SEO focuses on providing website visitors and search engines with clear and honest information about a website or webpage.

Search engine optimization helps you bring traffic to your website. The higher your website is ranked in search engine pages like google, yahoo msn etc, more is the number of visitors to your website. The search engines employ an algorithms to rank the sites and stick to positive measuring scales to select the quality of the sites. When the site owners employ techniques that are manipulative and not abiding by the rules laid down by the search engines or webmaster, they are known as black Hat SEO techniques and the sites that stick to the rules of the game are said to apply white hat techniques otherwise it will penalisied by Google..

The sites that stick to White Hat techniques are not out to the search engines. They provide relevant knowledge about their product or service & require to genuinely educate the readers. So their content is of high quality & not nonsensical keyword stuffed content like what the sites that resort to unethical methods display. White Hat SEO follow all the guidelines of webmaster & does not employ any underhand techniques. The links are placed only at relevant & needed places & not placed all over the site like Black Hat process does.

White Hat & Black Hat SEO

Organic rating is a slower technique and may take time but the results will be permanent and your website will retain the position on the SERP for a very long time. White Hat SEO will certainly yield favorable results although slow. Google algorithms have come down heavily on the unethical methods employed by sure sites that desired to take the simple way out. The sites that indulged in link farming have been penalized heavily and plenty of have been wiped out without a trace. Low spammy content is condoned and priority is given to high quality, well written unique content.

A comparison chart to make things simpler for you:

Black Hat SEO

Methods- Spam Content stuffed with keywords, excessive link building, hidden links etc

Repercussions- Search engines disapprove these methods & the world wide website found guilty of it is penalized or even banned sometimes.

White Hat SEO

Methods- Excellent content written with lot of research for humans & not for search engines, basically navigable site, relevant & adequate keyword usage etc

Repercussions- Search engines appreciate the efforts & obviously the rating & position occupied on the search engine result page lasts for long.

Conclusion: It is a choice you need to make. Would you like to take the fast & simple way out & manipulate results which may be temporary; or go about it in an ethical way which may take long to yield results but the results of which will be long lasting for all to see? specialises in making web promotion with businesses more visible using ethical SEO methods that won't get your site penalised by the search engines which makes your business stand out.

About Author: Neha Sharma is well known search engine optimization expert for based in Noida , She is a good search engine marketing tacts discoverer and loves to cover this industry through her rich experience in digital marketing strategies, blogginng and driving high standard of result on ROI based investment in technology.
Connect & Follow Neha Sharma Via: Email | Twitter | LinkedIn

SEO Checklist For Startup & Growing Websites

Startups have a lot going on. Staffing, outreach, overhead, paperwork, development, testing, financing - and that's before lunch. Irrespective of the industry, startups are by their nature volatile businesses that are stuck bootstrapping much of the heavy lifting early on in their lifecycle.

While entrepreneurs are specialists in their given fields and may even know a bit about conducting business online, it's unlikely that they are worried about SEO considerations. However, you don't require dedicated SEO resources or even a promotion team to optimize a website. Putting SEO best practices in place early on can pay dividends down the line as a business grows.

For new sites (& businesses), proper SEO ensures that people looking for your business's name can finding your website. After fuller implementation, SEO will also help users looking for your products & services to find your site in lieu of a competitor's. Since the most significant SEO results take months of optimization to accomplish, beginning sooner than later is recommended - even if it's the bare maximum.

Below is a checklist of essential SEO tips and tasks for any new startup & growing website. Some only take a couple of minutes, while others will need some development assistance - but each provides a distinct benefit to your site.

General Setup

  • Put Google Analytics & Webmaster code into your website in header part of the code.
  • Create a robots.txt file and upload it to the root directory of your site.
  • Create a sitemap.xml file and upload it to the root directory of your site (or enable this feature from within your CMS, if available). Submit your sitemap to Google Webmaster Tools for indexing.

Keyword Research

  • Make a list of all products and services you offer. Come up with as many combinations of phrases or keywords as you can manage.
  • Get additional keyword ideas by using the Google Keyword Planner to “Search for keyword and ad group ideas according to your location
  • Once you have a hefty list, input all keywords into the Keyword Planner to “See how they perform.” 

  • Narrow down your list by looking for target phrases that have relatively large volume (meaning lots of people look for them) while having relatively low cost per click (meaning there might be less competition). These are your target keywords.
  • Break up your target keywords into small groups of semantically similar phrases, and assign each group to an applicable page on your website. No pages that fit a group? Plan to use those keywords in an upcoming blog post.

Onsite Optimization

  • Write a unique title tag for each webpage, using one or more of the target keywords you’ve assigned to that page. Be sure to include your business name. Keep the entire title tag under 60-70 characters.
  • Write a unique meta description for each webpage, using one or more of the target keywords you’ve assigned to that page. Keep the entire meta description under 150-160 characters.
  • Include a target keyword in each page’s URL.
  • Check that each page has one (and only one) h1 tag, preferably including a target keyword. Additional headers (h2 – h6), if applicable, should appear in order, lower on the page.
  • Make sure all page on your website can be accessed in less than 3 clicks from the homepage. If you have pages (or whole sections) buried deeper than that, consider linking to them from your main navigation, or an applicable category page.
  • When you link to a given webpage from elsewhere on the site, use one of the target keywords associated with the page you are linking to as (part of) the anchor text.
  • If your website is image-heavy, add ALT tags to the images to let search engines understand what visuals users are seeing.


  • Ensure that each page of your site has at least 300 words of unique content on it that can’t be found elsewhere on your site (or anywhere else on the Web).
  • Set up a blog on your domain, and publish something on it on regular basis (aim for twice per month to start). Write articles that you would personally find interesting and would want to read.
  • Go beyond text: create videos, podcasts, webinars, infographics, illustrations, PDF downloads and more! 

  • Identify 2-3 primary audiences for your product or service, and create unique content for each one. What are the pain points or salient features that relate best to their individual needs?
  • Break away from the hard product pitch all the time, and talk about other related topics that will interest your audience. Keeping them coming back to your site increases the likelihood that they will convert at some point.

Link Building

  • Take your top competitors, plug them into Moz’s Open Site Explorer, and view their “Inbound Links” from “Only External” sources to see who has mentioned them online. Find authoritative citations in their list, and reach out to those sources to pitch your industry-leading products or services.
  • Identify industry “influencers” with large existing followings on their blog or social profiles. Closely follow their online musings until an opportunity to reach out and pitch your content presents itself.
  • Leverage your PR efforts and ensure that all press mentions include a link back to your website. Aim for branded anchor text in the link.
  • Take easy wins with listings on websites from affiliations, community boards, and industry associations you belong to.

Get Through All These Without Breaking A Sweat?

Here’s a bonus round for you overachievers.
  • Add Google Authorship markup to your blog
  • Use Google Analytics Experiments to A/B test alternative messaging, imagery or page structure on a highly-trafficked page of your site.
  • Check Google Webmaster Tools for 404 errors, and correct via 301 redirects.
  • Check your site’s speed performance with Google’s Page Speed Tools, YSlow or GT Metrix and look for areas or opportunity to make your site faster.
  • See how your site appears to mobile users with Google’s Mobile Meter. If your site is not mobile-friendly, or your mobile site does not load quickly enough (< 3 seconds), you are likely losing customers.
Now that your site is well on its way to generating organic leads.
Have additional SEO tasks you’d add to this list? Leave them in the comments below or tweet them to @nehaseoxanta.

About Author: Neha Sharma is well known search engine optimization expert for based in Noida , She is a good search engine marketing tacts discoverer and loves to cover this industry through her rich experience in digital marketing strategies, blogginng and driving high standord of result on ROI based investment in technology.
Connect & Follow Neha Sharma Via: Email | Twitter | LinkedIn

Wednesday 9 April 2014

10 Important Code Level Factors for Search Engine Optimization

Before Two year back in an interview article of Mr. Matt Evans (SEO Manger of which is actually taken by Lee Odden who is working with as Internet marketing expert published some predicted brief about upcoming challenges in SeO.
"I predict we'll see many more announcements from the engines supporting new technical innovations like we've seen in the past with canonical tags, XML sitemaps, rel=”nofollow”, and RDFa tags." that has been proved this year"
Search engines are becoming much smarter and looking to deliver as much as possible relevant and user interface result that is actual demand of a searcher, Especially Google and Bing they have started up to give the value of those website, which or not only having good content, social presence, and product pages.
Now search engines are seeking those websites which are completely exclusive and responsive on all platform like Mobile Device, Browser Compability, Test Formats, Informatic Pictures, Website Speed, Loading time and server response, Ip Canonical Issues, Bredcullums, URL Structure, root Directory, Sub Directory, Product Landing Pages, User Ingagment Interface such like as Star Rating, Social Saring Tabs, Video Description, and discussion these all features make a sense to add the value added factors for ranking up a website. As Seo webmaster need to be more updated about the overall these factors that should be include in SEO campaign.
Reason is simply why they need to follow or accept these all factors? Just suppose if you are going in shop store and asking particular products from range. What a store will display you they display the number of products and ranges with different features? Yes surely you would also love to buy perfect products that complete your all needs.

Same search engine are looking to show the best results to the user so which platoform has good content, back links, social presence, but if doesn't has the good technology of coding, heavy loading time, unresponsive designing and absent of user inclusion, in the time of competition a search engine can hot has this website in top rank position for a long time.
  1. What could be the solutions for code level seo? Make perfect plan of website design and development with SEO expert on the concept of how to interact the people for loving your product, what could be additional features that can be liked from user.Look for technical manager for selecting right company for your development. As if you are looking to finish your web designs and development your manager, which is non technical cannot be a good choice to select a right company. See the presented below some latest techniques that can help you drive a good response from your website.
  2. Select Standards Compliant HMTL & CSS: This is a latest technique, which is most popular in current trend of Search engine Optimization . based coding is currently the best option when it comes to Search Engine Optimisation. This style of coding separates the content from the design elements. Pages are created with the code for the content and then a single CSS file is attached via the <head> section of the web page. See more at
  3. Validate your HMTL Code: However, nowadays search engines going to be more capable to read the all codes of a website, but still now search engine spiders are gathering the information of your web pages in the form of read text and follow links. This may be easy to present much smarter browser nowadays like Chrome, Mozzila, Safari or internet explorer your uncompleted tag of html code for use, but for robots this is still an error. So validate your site use this tool will show you all broken links that, can be solved from your webmaster or web designer easily. To check about how the search engine are reviewing your pages in a technical code use a free tool “Search Engine Spider Simulator” this will show the missing data and the way for validating your codes.
  4. Have a Perfect (SEF) Website URL Structure : Are you aware with the updates of current algorithm Google not only penalized the website which was having the spam link building backlnks, those website also hit which was having the Spammy keywords based url structure? Your SEO manager needs to suggest having good structure based herarchy following some suggestions are shared?Descide Parent Folder, Parent Diretory, Parent Products With an easy to Read, Easy to Browse Functionality. Have A Responsive Searh Bar which can suggest the best similar result to the user incase of wrong query. Have Custom 404 Nofollow, NoindexPage for avoiding wrong URL typing in search bar.Avoid Much Lenthy URL structure and Repeated Information in Folder to >>Direcory, Directory to >>Sub Directory and Sub Directory to >>landing Page.
  5. Follow Breadcrumbs Design Pattern to Go > Forward and Go <Back> for Easy browsing from Folder to Directory, Directory to Folder, and other proceed structure. See the following share one perfect example of using this structure, Home>Folder>Directory>Subdirectory>Landing Pages: For example a user is watcing the products on the landing page that is showing a perticular on project only, now visitor want tos explore the bunch of all prodcuts from that sub directory, he can browse it from a single in ob Subdirectory hyper linked page. That is not possible to make user reponsiver from dropdown menu now it is easy from bredcrumbs design. Follow an useful article which is published on Search Engine Watch telling the video description of Matt Cutts: If You Have Multiple Breadcrumbs, Google Picks the First One . Type of Breadcrumbs That Improve SEO: Simple HTMl Breadcrumbs A option of breadcrumbs would look like:
Home > Marvel Comics > Fantastic Four > Fantastic Four
And the HTML code would look like:
<a href="">Home</a> &gt;
<a href="">Marvel Comics</a> &gt;
<a href="">Fantastic Four</a> &gt;
<a href="">Fantastic Four #48: The Coming of Galactus</a>
"In this example the last access represents a particular comedian. This comic's mother or father is the sequence it comes from. This series' mother or father is the organization it comes from. The organization's mother or father is the website's homepage."
6. Handle Duplicate Cotnent Issue with the use of Use “rel=canonical” Tagg : Either you are using a ecommerce website in any technolgy or working on blog that can be in wordpress, Magento, Joomla or Durpal. In this scenrio whenver you will publish new content through your website it may be problem can happen from automatically create URLs. Adding a canonical tag on your page which you want to show search engine can solve your problem. Follow a good aricel over Canonical URL Tag - The Most Important Advancement in SEO Practices Since Sitemaps published
7. Avoid Duplicate Content Issue in Multilingual Website Pages through "rel="alternate" hreflang="x": A website can targets the visitors from around the world it may the searchers can be well friendly with english, where as som visitors can be friendly in their local languages like Spanish or Italy. This is not a hard task to make a website with two language or three language based website to help with content that's translated or targeted to users in a certain region. But do you know that what can be problem in this case. As your main langauge is english that is translating in to the various format and languages to the user according to thier browsing... but what happenig your origincal conent is english that is translating in different-different language that is clear duplicate.
What can you do with "rel="alternate" hreflang="x" from keeping away in this aboce scenerio? Think about you have a main english conent web page organised at, with a Spanish Langauge substitute at You can indicate to Search engines that the Spanish Langauge URL is the Spanish-language comparative of the British web page in one of three ways:
HTML link element in header. In the HTML <head> section of, add a link element pointing to the Spanish version of that webpage at, like this:
<link rel="alternate" hreflang="es" href="" />
HTTP header. If you publish non-HTML files (like PDFs), you can use an HTTP header to indicate a different language version of a URL:
Link: <>; rel="alternate"; hreflang="es"
Sitemap. Instead of using markup, you can submit language version information in a Sitemap.
8. Be alert to host your website with a perfect server
Do you know in this scenario this factor has the importance always? Look for your requirement and targeting audience. If your audience is worldwide than, you can have your website hosting on U.S located server location, but if you want to target a specific country for your website , set up your hosting server location to that particular location. Google always look for show as much as possible local search results related to country level query.
9. USE Microdata (A search engine friendly Langauge that clarify the data of your website)This is a new era of seo developing efforts and not only help to boost your rank on top position also help to have a good standord of clickthrough rates. On June 2, 2011, Google, Bing, and Yahoo! announced that they will be using a standard set of schema for data markup on web pages - see more at
How can you get began with microdata tags?
To get a experience for what your completed marked-up rule will look like, consider the following imaginary HTML web page for the "Avatar" example:
<div itemscope itemtype="">
<span>Director: Wayne Cameron (born Aug 16, 1954)</span>
<span>Science fiction</span>
<a href="../movies/avatar-theatrical-trailer.html">Trailer</a>
In this example, the "movie" microdata tag has been included to the "div" place, specifying that details in this written text place of the website represents a movie. The "itemscope" tag informs the google that all material in this particular "div" place pertains to the "itemtype" described (in this situation, "movie").
For more understanding on how to incorporate microdata into your HTML rule, try studying the "Getting Started Guide" on After your programming is finish, consider operating your web page through Google "rich snippets testing tool" follow link to experience this to be sure your microdata is parsing properly and offering the obtain the most to your webpages.
10. Make a Social Sharing Platform or User Engaged Space on Discuss with Open Graph Tags for Social Platform
Do you know advanced search engine likes google is much smarter and looks to grab the reliable content driven from real peoples, if your website discussion is continue sharing on social platform it will not only help to improve your brand popularity also help in to boost your ranking. As earlier so many internet marketing experts have said about the importance of social media in 2012 and 2014 , it will continue in 2014 as it is now, but most important factor is here how much followers love about your posts, experience and information.
Use <meta property="og:{tagName}" content="{tagValue}"/> along with your infographic image see the one best example for this taken from
<meta property="og:title" content="The Rock" />
<meta property="og:type" content="" />
<meta property="og:url" content="" />
<meta property="og:image" content="" />
Above tags are exploring the detail of images infogrphics to the social site spider and search engines.
Note: Views indicated in this article are experienced of a indiviudal person. I will suggest you to take a review from your best possible resource about above shared techniques for organic search results through optimizaton. However these all tactics are well known, but need to pre-analyse before applying actual on your website.
About Author: Neha Sharma is well known search engine optimization expert for , She is a good search engine marketing tacts discoverer and loves to cover this industry through her rich experience in digital marketing strategies, blogginng and driving high standard of result on ROI based investment in technology. Follow Neha Sharma on Google Plus, Twitter, and Facebook!